Starts off kind of romantic then gets weird and industrial, then returns to romantic. Metaphor for relationships being hard to work at, they need sweat and blood and tears, and most of all, lots of grinding of gears and all kinds of mechanical stuff. Heh. Only members of TheMovies3D are allowed to use this music. Please notify me if you do, I did like to see what weirdness was accomplished.
Strange driven, pounding piece meant for suspenseful moments. Only members of TheMovies3D are allowed to use this music. Please notify me if you do, I did like to see what weirdness was accomplished. The tracks in this album will also be sent to
I worked on a public access jazz show for many years and saw many acts come and go, both genuinely talented and genuinely pretentious. This is my attempt to completely and utterly kill ABSTRACT jazz. But I won succeed. Darn it. I had to try. Only members of TheMovies3D are allowed to use this music. Please notify me if you do, I did like to see what weirdness was accomplished. The tracks in this album will also be sent to
Vampires in the Sewers, this one begins like a dance number, big drum beat and piano work, it suddenly slows and classical strings enter along with jazz piano playing along, the mood continues more or less the same, unchanged, with implications of danger and excitement, the heavy drumming ceases at times to slow down for classical punctuation and jazz chords; there are soft funky moments with a hint of something around the corner, but we settle down into a mixture of jazz and classical fooling-around, more dance, this piece will work well with setting up action or for an actual full-blown action sequence. We end with sounds of swelling electronic phrases, heavy drums, the music begins to slow, then the strings pick up again get ready to end the song, soon the strings are vying for audience attention, many orchestral phrases playing simultaneously, then the strings take over more or less and end the piece with a peaceful musical statement that all is well. Let me know if you use any of these in your films. Only the members of The can use this music in their Movies Game Projects.
When Robots Go Wild, think Girls Gone Wild with a mechanical twist, no just kidding. Industrial sounds, drum beats that begin and then pause, sounds that mechanisms or computers, animal noises, and then funky blues/jazz that leads to heavy rock phrases, heavy industrial drumming, we hear pounding noises that are reminiscent of The Time Machine (Original George Pal Production), finally the music turns to country-style, with guitar-fingering, there is a sense of profound enormity as well as trivial absurdity, atonal phrases and more guitar signal a slowing down of the music, but the end is not yet, the rock starts up again with implications of computer communication, electronic dance phrases and Spanish guitar and cymbals lead us towards the end. Let me know if you use any of these in your films. Only the members of The can use this music in their Movies Game Projects.
Starts off like an orchestra preparing itself to perform, then it turns rock and roll, some funk thrown into the mix, best for action sequences I would think. The title is just a cool title, never mind the mood of the piece, they don exactly agree, the piece is not serene, it is mere juxtaposition. Only members of TheMovies3D are allowed to use this music. Please notify me if you do, I did like to see what weirdness was accomplished. The tracks in this album will also be sent to
Man Bites Dog, a rock n roll, bluesy, dance, funk, heavy guitar, jazz, this number is meant more for something funny than for an actioner, but someone may prove me wrong. I think it will be easy finding a place for it. If you have a movie thatis just plain too strange for words and need something that has absurdist funky sounds, this track is for you. Itis good for End Credits too. Let me know if you use any of these in your films. Only the members of The can use this music in their Movies Game Projects.
Verschieden Musikklänge und Geräusche
Einfach reinhören und die passenden "takes" abmixen und in die jeweilige Tonspur einfügen/unterlegen.
Live eingespielt mit diversen Synthies.
Das ist der Soundtrack zu meinem neuen Film "13 - Führe uns nicht in Versuchung"
Diesen Soundtrack habe ich selbst erstellt. Meine ersten Versuche mit dem Magix Music Maker.
This is the Soundtrack to my new movie "13 - Do not lead us into temptation"
The Soundtrack is from me. My first attempts with the Magix Music Maker.