The Movies FAQ

FAQ | Questions about playing / filming

 Kann ich in The Movies Pornos oder Splatterfilme drehen?
 Wie lang dürfen meine Filme sein?
 Wie teuer dürfen meine Filme sein?
 Kann ich die Schauspieler so aussehen lassen, wie ich oder jemand anderes, den ich kenne?
 Kann ich den Film nach dem Dreh Post-Producen?
 Kann ich für meine Filme Preise oder Auszeichnungen bekommen?
 Wieviele vorgefertigte Szenen sind im Spiel enthalten?
 Wieviele Sets gibt es in The Movies?
 Wie viele Musikstücke gibt es in The Movies?

Kann ich in The Movies Pornos oder Splatterfilme drehen?
Antwort: Da The Movies ein Spiel für den Massenmarkt ist, ist das nicht möglich. Man kann allerdings "sehr romantische" und auch "sehr gewaltvolle" Filme drehen. Allerdings in Grenzen.

Wie lang dürfen meine Filme sein?
Antwort: Von 30-Sekunden-Clips über 3 minütige Trailer bis hin zum 3-stündigen Blockbuster darf in The Movies alles gedreht werden.

Wie teuer dürfen meine Filme sein?
Antwort: Beim Dreh eures Filmes findet ihr auf dem Bildschirm keine Anzeige über die Kosten oder das verbleibende Budget. Das ermöglicht es euch, euch beim Dreh des Filmes auch zu verschulden und zu hoffen, dass der Film das fehlende Geld durch seinen Erfolg wieder in die Kassen spielen werden.

Kann ich die Schauspieler so aussehen lassen, wie ich oder jemand anderes, den ich kenne?
Antwort: Ja, das ist möglic. Der Verkaufsversion liegt sogar ein eigenes Programm namens "StarMaker" bei.

Kann ich den Film nach dem Dreh Post-Producen?
Antwort: Ja und nein! Abgesehen davon, dass man die Reihenfolge der Szenen selbst bestimmen darf und eigene Sprachaufnahmen und Musik einspielen darf, ist dies nur begrenzt möglich. Peter Molyneux äußerte allerdings den Wunsch, ein Add-On namens "Direcor's Cut" zu veröffentlichen, indem man noch viel mehr Möglichkeiten haben wird.

Kann ich für meine Filme Preise oder Auszeichnungen bekommen?
Antwort: Ja, im Spiel wird der sogenannte "Stanley" in verschiedenen Kategorien vergeben. Dieser Award ähnelt dem anderen großen, echten Movie-Award sehr stark.

Wieviele vorgefertigte Szenen sind im Spiel enthalten?
Antwort: The Movies enthält über 8000 Szenen, welche geändert oder fortgeführt werden können.

Wieviele Sets gibt es in The Movies?
Antwort: Das Spiel wird über ca. 45 verschiedene Sets verfügen, die allerdings nachträglich noch verändert werden können.

Wie viele Musikstücke gibt es in The Movies?
Antwort: Man kann seine Filme mit insgesamt 95 verschiedenen Tracks, welche alle Epochen und Stile abdecken, unterlegen.

FAQ | technical questions

Which graphics engine does The Movies use?
What are the system requirements for The Movies?
Do I need internet access for The Movies?
What features are supported by the Internet connection?
Is The Movies Modding-capable?

Which graphics engine does The Movies use?
Answer: The Movies uses a completely self-developed graphics engine.

What are the system requirements for The Movies?
Answer: The Movies runs on a computer with an 800MHz processor, 256 MB RAM, a 32 MB graphics card, and requires approximately 2.4 GB of hard disk space and DricetX9.0c.

Do I need internet access for The Movies?
Answer: No, not mandatory. If you want to make your actors or movies available to the community already.

What features are supported by the Internet connection?
Answer: After completion of the movie, the player can upload his film to one of the The Movies servers where they are open to the public and could be rated from the community.

Is The Movies Modding-capable?
Answer: The Lionhead Studios planned from the outset to make the game completely modifiable from the beginning.

FAQ | general questions

What is The Movies for a game?
Who develops The Movies?
When has The Movies been released?
How much does The Movies cost?
Will there ever be a demoversion?
Which game modes are included in The Movies?
Will there be characteristic moments for the film business?
Are there tutorials in the game that slowly lead the player to the subject?
How many people have worked on The Movies?
Apart from the development team, which persons were involved in the development of the game?
Suppose I make a movie with The Movies exactly like an original movie, can I still publish it?
Will there be a MAC version of The Movies?

What is The Movies for a game?
answer: The Movies is a genre mix of economic and film making simulation.

Who develops The Movies?
answer: The Movies is made by Lionhead. They have already developed games like the Black & White series or Fable.

When has The Movies been released?
answer: The Movies was released in Germany on November 10, 2005. In the US, the game was already officially available two days earlier.

How much does The Movies cost?
answer: The price was approximately 45 euros for the normal edition. The Premiere edition is ten euros more expensive.

Will there ever be a demoversion?
answer: This question has not yet been answered. Lionhead denied that there would be a demo before the release, but left open whether a demo version would be released afterwards.

Which game modes are included in The Movies?
answer: On the one hand the career mode in which the player has to perform various missions and tasks. On the other hand a sandbox mode without paying attention to the budget.

Will there be characteristic moments for the film business?
answer: Yes, there will be different times, from the 40s to the present, in which the player films in different genres (such as silent films, black and white films...)

Are there tutorials in the game that slowly lead the player to the subject?
answer: Although the game is very intuitive and simple, there will be video tutorials to find tricks and tips, and to shoot movies.

How many people have worked on The Movies?
answer: On average, about 30 people participated in the development.

Apart from the development team, which persons were involved in the development of the game?
answer: Numerous consultants, as well as lawyers, were involved in the development of the copyright issues. In addition, two well-known directors were committed to the development team.

Suppose I make a movie with The Movies exactly like an original movie, can I still publish it?
answer: Unfortunately, no. Because of the copyrights. Movies made with The Movies are deleted from the Lionhead servers.

Will there be a MAC version of The Movies?
answer: Yes, a MAC version was officially confirmed on the Edinburgh International Entertainment Festival.