Kategorie: Plants
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(2 Stimmen)

Hedges for exterior scenes. Every model has two meshes, one with alpha map. Image rendered with old yafray engine.

textures included: yes

Autor Scopia Visual Interfaces Systems
Datum 29.12.2010
Dateigröße 66.26 KB
Download 3.695
zip.png Cactus Beliebt
(2 Stimmen)

Cactus File Format: 3ds

You can Download this file under the Creative Commons. For more infos visit: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/

Autor Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
Datum 21.06.2009
Dateigröße 82.11 KB
Download 3.417
(2 Stimmen)

Flowerpot with UV map. Image rendered with Yafaray.

textures included: yes

file type: 3ds

Autor Scopia Visual Interfaces Systems
Datum 29.12.2010
Dateigröße 32.87 KB
Download 2.608