Alien Mask
If you use the "SEVEN OF NINE Implant" change the data names "acc_glasses_v21.msh" in "acc_glasses_v22.msh" and "" in "" otherwise the mod will be overwritten.
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These are the costumes for the blacksmith Jack and the devil in human-shape of my movie "The legend of Jack OLantern"
Das sind die Kostüme für den Hufschmied Jack und den Teufel in Menschengestalt aus meinem Film "Die Legende von Jack OLantern"
Alien Costume for The Movies. Works only for males.Converted by Jess francoCopy all the files in Lionhead Studios/The Movies/This is a costume. So you have to edit your category.ini file in data/COSTUME firstin category.ini add:[category_JessFranco] cat = category_JessFranco
Diese Texturen erweitern das Wildwest-Ureinwohner-Kostüm 2 um die nötigen Verzierungen, damit es dem original Filmkostüm von Pierre Brice in den Winnetou-Filmen entspricht.