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- Backdrop tutorial
Backdrop tutorial
- Fospherous
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13 Jahre 11 Monate her #820
von Fospherous
Fospherous erstellte das Thema Backdrop tutorial
My Backdrop Tutorial
Welcome to my tutorial! This tutorial will teach you how to make basic backdrops. Contents 1a. Introduction to Backdrops 1b. Basic Backdrops (Static) 1c. Using Text in Backdrops 2a. Animated Backdrops 2b. Custom Animation 3a. Credits Introduction to Backdrops A Backdrop is the background of a scene, for example: The sky. To Assign a backdrop, follow these steps... 1. On the Advanced Script Maker, choose your set and scene, then on the right hand button bar, click the "change backdrop" button. It looks like this... 2. Choose a Backdrop in the list, then click ok. It's as easy as that! Basic Backdrops To make a backdrop for a static scene, you will need the following...
Welcome to my tutorial! This tutorial will teach you how to make basic backdrops. Contents 1a. Introduction to Backdrops 1b. Basic Backdrops (Static) 1c. Using Text in Backdrops 2a. Animated Backdrops 2b. Custom Animation 3a. Credits Introduction to Backdrops A Backdrop is the background of a scene, for example: The sky. To Assign a backdrop, follow these steps... 1. On the Advanced Script Maker, choose your set and scene, then on the right hand button bar, click the "change backdrop" button. It looks like this... 2. Choose a Backdrop in the list, then click ok. It's as easy as that! Basic Backdrops To make a backdrop for a static scene, you will need the following...
- a .dds file converter (download one here)
- a backdrop template (provided further down)
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