compress Sci-Fi Fantasy Short Films: Other Realm

  • ParadoxRemedy
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8 Jahre 3 Wochen her #1802 von ParadoxRemedy
ParadoxRemedy erstellte das Thema Sci-Fi Fantasy Short Films: Other Realm
The sense that someone is watching when there is no one there, or when you wake in the night are those just shadows or is there really someone there.

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8 Jahre 1 Woche her #1805 von Feet
Feet antwortete auf das Thema: Sci-Fi Fantasy Short Films: Other Realm
Watching your movies feels like being dropped in an unknown city with nothing but a tourist-guide that tells lies in Mandarin.
I have seen three of them by now and I didn’t feel that clueless for some time.
Thanks for that.

Your stories are uncanny and funny at the same time which is quite amazing.
I never asked myself what the Mandela-Effect can do to people, but now I know.
It’s disturbing.
I hope you can de-mystify this phenomenon (I never even heard about) completely for the sake of all mankind.
And fart-jokes without jokes are the best anyway.
Maybe you should remove the original TheMovies-grunts before you add your voice-overs?
And did you recognize your TV is levitating?

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