question-circle Problem with Lip Sync (before export)

13 Jahre 5 Monate her #1011 von costass
costass erstellte das Thema Problem with Lip Sync (before export)
Hello everyone. I am new to this forum. And please excuse every possible rules that I can break in my first post.

I know about the problem with Lip Sync voices after the export. My problem is when I play the movie in movie player or in post production (in game) , some of my voices are not played every time. For example if my voice overs is short let's say 4-7 second no problem. but if my voices are larger than 10-15 sec , the game just find it very difficult to play it. For example - I play the movie and it's sound ok. I play it again and the sound is not played. My files are standard: 16 bit , 44.100hz, Stereo. I just can't find out why sometimes is played sometimes didn't. I didn't find this much problem because I plan to edit all of my scenes in Sony Vegas after the export, but is annoying when I cut and edit scenes to miss some of the sounds , sometimes I just lost the connection between the characters and need to play it over and over again till I get what they are talking about. I work with pre written script, but this is still annoying. If anyone know how to fix this will be very helpful. Thanks in advance and sorry for the long question.

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13 Jahre 5 Monate her - 13 Jahre 5 Monate her #1012 von Tonda
Tonda antwortete auf das Thema: Aw: Problem with Lip Sync (before export)
Hello costass and welcome to "TheMovies3D"
Yes I already had this problem on my old pc as well.
Sometimes nothing helps but it's worth to try to convert it into another data type. You can use .ogg, .wma or .wav types.
Use a programm like audacity (but there you can't choose .wma) to convert the not correctly working sound files into one of the other types.
This could help.
But longer than 35 (or 45) seconds or something like this in one piece is not possible to get played anyway.
Letzte Änderung: 13 Jahre 5 Monate her von Tonda.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: costass

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13 Jahre 5 Monate her #1013 von costass
costass antwortete auf das Thema: Re: Aw: Problem with Lip Sync (before export)
Hey. Thanks for the quick replay. I didn't know that voices can be in OGG format. I think this work only for music. I will definitely try it. BTW something to add. Yesterday I try something. I turn off all sound in my movie (mumbling, sound fx & ambient) and my voices work like charm. I think that sometimes the game just cant "mix" two sounds together and just ignore randomly one of the sound. But I am not sure about it. I work with Sound Forge and can easy convert my files to OGG or WMA. Good luck and thanks again.

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13 Jahre 5 Monate her #1014 von Tonda
Tonda antwortete auf das Thema: Aw: Re: Aw: Problem with Lip Sync (before export)
Yes, "The Movies" ingame editing program is a very weak editing tool with several bugs. I just use it for the lips sync and the background sounds. The real mix of the sound and the adding of music I only do with an external video editing program.
A friend of mine recently said to me, that, if you leave away the voices, the background sound is more clearly. So it's really no bad idea to export the movie once only with voices and then to remove the voices and export it again with another name to have only the background sounds. Then you can mix it external. ;)
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: costass

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13 Jahre 5 Monate her #1020 von costass
costass antwortete auf das Thema: Re: Aw: Re: Aw: Problem with Lip Sync (before export)
Indeed yes. This is the plan to do. I work with Sony Vegas and is great. Soon I'll post my first movie. Will be long one. Not just 3-4 minutes story.

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13 Jahre 5 Monate her - 13 Jahre 5 Monate her #1025 von Tonda
Tonda antwortete auf das Thema: Aw: Re: Aw: Re: Aw: Problem with Lip Sync (before export)
We're looking forward to it! ;)
Letzte Änderung: 13 Jahre 5 Monate her von Tonda.

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13 Jahre 5 Monate her #1028 von FraasMovies
FraasMovies antwortete auf das Thema: Aw: Re: Aw: Re: Aw: Problem with Lip Sync (before export)

costass schrieb: Will be long one. Not just 3-4 minutes story.

How long will it be... roughly speaking?

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13 Jahre 5 Monate her #1048 von costass
costass antwortete auf das Thema: Re: Aw: Re: Aw: Re: Aw: Problem with Lip Sync (before export)
I don't know. I think between 50-60min .

PS. I use lot of your mods. And I will give full credit. Thanks for that!

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Moderatoren: Tonda