question-circle How do I rip sounds?

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4 Jahre 7 Monate her #2186 von BLAKEASHTON88
BLAKEASHTON88 erstellte das Thema How do I rip sounds?
I need some of them.

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4 Jahre 6 Monate her #2187 von Tonda
Tonda antwortete auf das Thema: How do I rip sounds?
Well I don't know which programm you need to find the sounds and to transform them in a useful file-format but the easiest way to use the sounds is to shoot a movie, go to the editor, click away all soundtracks you don't need, place the sounds you need in the soundtrack and to export them as wmv-file. Then use a programm like "any video convertor" to separate the soundtrack from the movie and you receive the sounds as wave or mp3-files.

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Moderatoren: Tonda