file Where is the Publicity Building - Unlocking.ini

  • Deadhead_DMT
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14 Jahre 2 Monate her - 14 Jahre 2 Monate her #712 von Deadhead_DMT
Deadhead_DMT erstellte das Thema Where is the Publicity Building - Unlocking.ini
I have played the game all the way to the year 2000 but I have not seen any Publicity Building available at all... The manual mentions the ability to do PR and Marketing if I have the Publicity Building... but when does it ever appear??? What does one have to do in order to be able to get the building and do PR / Marketing to improve the movie ratings...

Thanks in advance for your help... please advise...
Letzte Änderung: 14 Jahre 2 Monate her von .

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14 Jahre 2 Monate her - 14 Jahre 2 Monate her #718 von FraasMovies
FraasMovies antwortete auf das Thema: Re: Where is the Publicity Building
You have to win awards to unlock special buildings or costumes.

Alternative you can edit your unlocking.ini (you will find it here C:\dokuments and settings\..\..\Lionhead Studios\The Movies)

just replace the unlocking.ini text whit this text:
highest_decade = 2000

Letzte Änderung: 14 Jahre 2 Monate her von .

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14 Jahre 2 Monate her #719 von Deadhead_DMT
Deadhead_DMT antwortete auf das Thema: Re: Where is the Publicity Building
I found no file named unlocking.ini in the directory that you specified... even though I had won a few awards in the game that I had played... but I created a new file of that name and copied the text into it...

I had mixed results... I started a new sandbox game with a pre established studio lot and found that the Production Office on that lot had extra icons for money that had not appeared on my previous regular or sandbox games... so I have to assume that they are the PR/Marketing icons that were mentioned... however the building was still called the Production Office and not the Publicity Office... so I thought maybe the 2 are somehow merged and so I closed out that game (which I only created to see if any results would be from the addition of the init file) and went back to the game I was playing... but did not see the money icons appear in my existing Production Office... I thought maybe they are created when the Production office is first built on the studio lot; So I started a new game with out a premade studio and when I built the Production Office for it, I expected to see the money icons appear but they did not...

I removed the newly created init file and restarted the program... I again created a new sandbox game with a premade studio and once again the money icons appeared in the Production Studio... so I am not even convinced that the init file had any effect since as long as I choose a 'pre-made' studio, then a money icon (PR/Marketing) appears inside the Production Office...

So at this point it is mixed results... I did see the money icons in a new pre-made studio, but not in any Production Office I created... perhaps I will see them appear in a little time now that I have the init file in place (or does the new unlocking.ini file do anything at all... verdict is still out on that)... I will let you know what I find out... thank you for your help!

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14 Jahre 2 Monate her - 14 Jahre 2 Monate her #720 von FraasMovies
FraasMovies antwortete auf das Thema: Re: Where is the Publicity Building
I think you just put the unlocking.ini in a wrong folder. :P

Windows hides certain files and folders from being seen with Windows Explorer. But you can enable the viewing of hidden files. ;)

Which operating system do you use?

If you are running Vista or Win7 try to put the file into this folder:
C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Roaming\Lionhead Studios\The Movies
Letzte Änderung: 14 Jahre 2 Monate her von .

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14 Jahre 2 Monate her - 14 Jahre 2 Monate her #722 von Deadhead_DMT
Deadhead_DMT antwortete auf das Thema: Re: Where is the Publicity Building - Unlocking.ini
I use VISTA operating system... and I have always had SHOW HIDDEN SYSTEM FILES enabled for many years now... but the path that was indicated to me had NO files in it at all... only folders... I did, however, find all the other game init files located in C:\Users\...\Documents\The Movies\Movies and so that is where I added the unlocking.ini file that I created...

I looked in the Roaming directory that you mentioned and I DID find a game file named unlocking.ini... AND it does contain the couple of prize listings that I have won thus far while playing the game... so I copied the full prize text into this file and restarted the program... I created a new SANDBOX game and I DID see in the building listings the missing Publicity Office... and noted that the Production Office by itself contains no money icons but when the Publicity office is built then the Production Office then contains the money icons... so the buildings are in essence connected by content...

I also saw a few buildings I had not experienced yet... the higher realm scripting offices and the Palatial trailer... interesting stuff... curiously though with all the 'prizes' supposedly unlocked... the one building that I expected to see in the list but did not was the Stuntman DOJO... (the Stunt school was there and was the Spartan Training... but no DOJO)... I thought that curious since so many other buildings were now available..

I went back to the current campaign game to see if any changes had occurred and as I suspected... the campaign games do not instantly reveal the new buildings simply because the prizes are open... that apparently is only available in the sandbox games.... the campaign game prizes must still be earned...

As far as my initial question... it HAS been answered and the new unlocking.ini file seems to open up the playing field for me... except for the DOJO... So I ask this ... and only if you have the time as you have already helped a lot and I do not seek to overtax your kindness.... but since the DOJO did not appear... it makes me wonder... what each prize level unlocks? Does there exist a listing of all the prize code and the prize that they control? My thinking is that perhaps a prize level entry was inadvertently omitted from the 'complete' list.

The 'complete' list contained 25 RANKPRIZEs and 8 STUNTRANKPRIZEs ... my question is really out of curiosity as, again, I thank you very much for clearing up my Publicity Office question... and if such a list of complete prizecode AND the prizes they unlock exists... then I would very much like to see it (if nothing else to verify when/where the DOJO prize becomes available and why it was missing in the buildings list in the light of having 'all' the prize codes... thank you for all the help... please advise if the request is not too taxing... thanks in advance.. TEACH PEACE!!! :D
Letzte Änderung: 14 Jahre 2 Monate her von Deadhead_DMT.

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14 Jahre 2 Monate her - 14 Jahre 2 Monate her #724 von FraasMovies
FraasMovies antwortete auf das Thema: Re: Where is the Publicity Building - Unlocking.ini
You can try to add a new entry STUNTRANKPRIZE_9...
Perhasps the Dojo will then be there?

I don't know what each prize level exactly unlocks :(

Deadhead_DMT schrieb: I went back to the current campaign game to see if any changes had occurred and as I suspected... the campaign games do not instantly reveal the new buildings simply because the prizes are open... that apparently is only available in the sandbox games.... the campaign game prizes must still be earned...

That's normal! ;)
Letzte Änderung: 14 Jahre 2 Monate her von .

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14 Jahre 2 Monate her - 14 Jahre 2 Monate her #733 von Tonda
Tonda antwortete auf das Thema: Aw: Re: Where is the Publicity Building - Unlocking.ini
There are three places where the files for this game are placed:

The path for Vista to place the unlockung ini is: C:\User\[Your username]\AppData\Roaming\Lionhead Studios\The Movies\

Datas like saved games, own sounds, own movies or starmaker stars are placed in
C:\Users\...\My Documents\The Movies

and to place the data folder with mods you have to go to C: Programs\Lionhead Studios Ltd\The Movies

I hope the English designations are similar to the German designations otherwise for Germans there's no chance to show you the rigth paths.

If you made PR for one of your movies (just drag the script or the finished movie into the PR-building. This building should appear where all other buildings are) there should appear 5 stations with money in your release building where you can place the movie on one of it.

But if all that doesn't work you can also play the game without cheating and reach the goals honestly. That's also not too difficult.
Letzte Änderung: 14 Jahre 2 Monate her von Tonda.

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3 Jahre 4 Monate her #2315 von ParadoxRemedy
ParadoxRemedy antwortete auf das Thema: Re: Where is the Publicity Building
Thanks so much for this, 10 years later on Windows 10 in 2021 this is also the folder to put the unlocking.

C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Roaming\Lionhead Studios\The Movies

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2 Monate 3 Wochen her #2322 von dwthemoviesgame
dwthemoviesgame antwortete auf das Thema: Find Women Who Are Free Tonight for Some Fun in Your City

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2 Monate 3 Wochen her #2323 von Cary
Cary antwortete auf das Thema: Find Women Who Are Free Tonight for Some Fun in Your City
It looks like the forum is pretty quiet these days. There are a lot of great mods on this site and I have downloaded quite a few of them. Just today, I discovered the "premium" mods. The one I am particularly interested in is the beach house by bender. I have been using 3d assets from "The Movies" in blender to create renders for web-comics which I post on (as lefty-2000).

Anyway, I am contemplating a new web-comic story and I have been casting around for useful models. My idea is a nautical adventure story set in the Coral Sea in the early 20th century. The beach house would be perfect for this, but I only have 900 VC's. So, I am trying to earn VC's by posting in the forum.

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