Download details

Star Wars ships Star Wars ships HOT

How to install.

1. Unzip the file, this will create a folder called 'star wars ships'

2. Find the location of 'the movies' (default c:program fileslionhead studios ltdthe movies)

3. Open the 'data' folder at this location

4. Open the 'data' folder inside the 'star wars ships' folder

5. You will see other sub-folders in each 'data' folder. Copy all files from inside the 'star wars ships' subfolders
in to the corresponding 'the movies' folders (do not copy the folders themselves)

6. The static ships can then be found under the Miscellaneous or Sci-fi set dressing options.

Created 25.05.2015
Changed 29.07.2017
Size 11.63 MB
(3 votes)
Created by FraasMovies
Changed by FraasMovies
Downloads 3,192