Reshoot: Unpacking files

As described in the forum, let's summarize how to unpack sets, overlays, backdrops and props with reshoot.

The current version of Pak Poker and The Movies Editor (MED) can not extract the files from the addon, but there is an (probably only temporary) alternative: Reshoot

You can download Reshoot here: Download

What sounds so complicated (because you have to enter the commands in the DOS command line like in older times), is very simple. I'm trying to give you a short tutorial:

Tutorial "Reshoot":

After you have downloaded and installed "Reshoot", you have to open the Windows command line (Start - All Programs - Accessories - Command Prompt). The black window of the DOS prompt now opens with the line:

C:/Documents and Settings/yourname>

To get an overview of all commands for Reshoot just enter:
reshoot -h

The following commands are listed:
-h (help)
-d (dir)
-f (find)
-g (gamedir)
-e (extract)
-i (interogate)
-l (list)
-n (next)
-r (related)

Now you can unpack TM files immediately.
Here are some examples of what you can type:

reshoot -e *.dds
(Unpack ALL dds files of the game in C:/Documents and Settings/yourname/data) – This will takes a while, because there is much to unpack ...

reshoot -e -d c/:folder-of-your-choice/*.dds
(Unpack ALL dds files of the game into the folder of your choice)

reshoot -r -e -d c:/folder-of-your-choice/*.dds
(Unpack ALL dds files with the associated mesh files of the game into the folder of your choice

reshoot -e -d c:/folder-of-your-choice/*.msh
(Unpack ALL mesh files of the game into the folder of your choice)

reshoot -e -r -d c:/folder-of-your-choice/set_diner.msh
(Unpack the diner set with all related files to the folder of your choice)

reshoot -e -d c:/folder-of-your-choice/data/Textures/backdrops*.dds
(Unpack all backdrops of the game to the folder of your choice)

reshoot -e -d c:/folder-of-your-choice/data/Textures/overlays*.dds
(Unpack all overlays of the game to the folder of your choice)

reshoot -l diner
(listet alle Dateien des Spiels auf, in denen das Wort "diner" vorkommt)


The possibilities are unlimited. And if you are still familiar with DOS commands, you will not have any problems. I have tested everything and it works great. I hope the explanation was understandable. If you like, the tutorial can complete this tutorial.

Tutorial: Frenhofer